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A Call to
Earnest Prayer

Together with the faithful, ministry of God’s Word, the most pressing need in our churches is ongoing fervent prayer for revival. Heaven sent revival is the only answer to the profound needs of our country. We need a revival that brings glory to God by effecting real and lasting change in our own lives individually, in our churches, and society. We need to see everyone in our churches being steadfast in the apostles' doctrine, in fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and prayers (Acts 2:42). We also need to see that when unconverted people hear the Word of God from us that they fully realise that it is not the mere words of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God

(1 Thessalonians 2:13).


Spiritual apathy and carelessness abound throughout Irish society, and regretfully this awful indifference can even be found in our churches. We urgently need a revival, where the church is strengthened to fulfil its God-given purpose and where the unconverted come under deep conviction of sin and are genuinely converted.

Prayer for REVIVAL

If your church would like to participate in this fellowship of Prayer for Revival, please fill in the form below and hit send.


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a CALL to

Click on the Links below to download a PDF of the booklet 'A Call to Prayer' produced by Aontas. This PDF booklet can be freely printed, downloaded or passed on electronically to encourage prayer in your church.


There is an Online Version for easy viewing on a screen or downloading as a PDF and there's also a Printout Version that can be printed out (choose double sided settings or print 1st five pages, then place back in printer to print the 2nd five on the reverse.) This can then be collated to form a handy booklet.

Online Version

Printout Version

Recommended Reading

Revival Sent from God:

What the Bible Teaches for the Church Today.

by Ray Ortlund

Publisher: InterVarsity Press



Available from:

Can We Pray for Revival?

Can We Pray for Revival?

by Brian H Edwards

Publisher: Evangelical Press



Available from:

ICM Books

R e v i v a l

A People Saturated With God

by Brian H Edwards

Publisher: Evangelical Press



Available from:

Christian Bookshop



by Martin Lloyd Jones

with foreword by J.I Packer

Publisher: Crossway Books



Available from:

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