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Cuir is an Irish word that means to sow. The goal of Cuir is to streamline the process of planting churches in the Republic of Ireland in the many cities and towns that desperately need a Gospel witness. The makers of Cuir are convinced that when Jesus said “I will build My church” He was outlining His strategy for reaching a nation with the Gospel.


Cuir is a tool that will help guide this church-planting process. It relies on the Biblical principles of prayerful dependence, godly leadership, doctrinal integrity, financial stewardship and wise planning.


Using a project management approach, Cuir divides the church-planting process into six phases. Each phase has a set of milestones that need to be achieved in order to keep the process on target. Here are the six phases.


  •   Phase 1 - Choosing the Field

  •   Phase 2 - Recruiting the Workers

  •   Phase 3 - Preparing the Soil

  •   Phase 4 - Sowing the Seed

  •   Phase 5 - Tending the Plants

  •   Phase 6 - Reaping the Harvest


The timeline begins twenty-four months before the projected launch of a new church, though the timing can be adapted to particular situations. The agricultural theme of Cuir is important because farming is often used in the Bible to describe ministry. We are told to sow the seed of the Gospel, Jesus Christ called us to pray for workers for the harvest, and Paul reminded us that we must rely on the Lord for growth.


We hope this this tool will excite church leaders and mission strategists to reach Ireland with the lifesaving Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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